Completed Projects

Monday, August 26, 2013

And More Smurfs!

Here's the rest of those lovable blue marines:

Now back to our regularly scheduled madness.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Just waiting for the bases to dry on an Ultramarines commission so I thought why not at least post up the finished Razorback/Rhino tank?

More to follow as the marines themselves are just about ready for the camera.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Evil Gak and The Warriors That Battle Them

  Finished painting the custom made slimes for WHQ.  Also got some close up pics of all the warriors.  Warning they are almost all old paint jobs!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Por el Emprador!

Just a few pictures of a project that I've been meaning to get back to however I've been slammed with commission work lately.  Enjoy the Sons of Mexico chapter of space marines.

Bit of an older project that I'd love to revisit soon.  No airbrushing on this one all traditional brushwork so I'd like to change that :)

The shear amount of conversion time before painting makes this the most time intensive project I've ever had and they are no where near ready to be a fighting force.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Revenge of Dark Vengeance

Just finished up the 40k starter set for Who's Game House in Rapid City SD.  They will be in store and ready to game with right away!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

more quest more chrome

Alright got a few easy WHQ paint jobs in between commission work.  First up the Ghosts taken from several reaper bones minis for variety and happy fun time.  Also we may be starting up a new campaign soon and one person wants to play the Chainsaw Warrior which was made as an April fools joke but is fully playable so why not!

Of course the commission work is still continuing slowly but surely.  The crisis suits are done sans weapons and the riptide body is done sans head.  I'm really liking the scheme but without the colorful bases they look BORING and feel that way when painting them...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

So soft yet evil...

Blood for the blood god and pom poms for his throne of cuddles!

I have never used a longer pin than I did on this guy. There is one long as rod running from the base up through his spine to make him stand without too much wobbling. Still cute as hell!

The upcoming Apocalypse battle at my FLGS has gotten me thinking that I should run the tetragon of cuddles...

 This will be the softest and cutest army of the damned!