Completed Projects

Monday, December 8, 2014

Blood Bowl!

Finally after all this time I decided to finish up my BB team the Nigglebottom Corn Floopers!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

More Random Questing!

Finished up a Chaos Spawn

On top of that I've managed to decide on a basing theme for the Goblin army which means the gobos finally get purdy bases!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Long time no blog...

Been a long while but I've been working on a lot of random things that didn't get pictures taken unfortunately.  Here is a Panoceania army that did though:

On top of that for Quest I finished up the Exalted Greater Daemon of Khorne.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

More Infinity

Finished up more infinity models for various people:

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Yep finally got something new done for the Warhammer Quest stuff (yep not a commission this time).  The Exalted Greater Daemon of Nurgle in all his pustular goodness!

This was a stunning miniature to paint from Ultraforge and a ton of fun.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More infinity and a man bat

Feels like I've been doing a lot of speed painting lately due to a lack of time and an influx of projects.  These nomads for infinity are one such product done in a day:

And this batman clix re-paint done in a few hours before work

Had a little more time to get this hello kitty tag for infinity.  Always fun to paint something bright and cheerful for a change.

Monday, June 30, 2014

More Fists and Some Infinity

Yet more crimson fists leave the table to parts unknown.  This time a speeder, drop pod and Chapter Master are out the door!

In addition I've got my first taste of infinity painting ready to go with a wee bit o Aleph:

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Purple + Lava = Fun!

Got a HUGE project finished (literally 8' x 4') an entire board plus terrain all in 2 days to boot!

The lava board was a fun project for sure and I think it turned out rather well:

Also finally got a pic of the second star wars board as well:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

First Eldar!

Realized I never got a picture up of the only Eldar mini I have finished for my army.  He's been done for a long time just never got a pic:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Back With More Random!

Been a while but I'm back in a new house with a new workspace and new stuff!  First up another Mexi Marine Squad.  This time the legion of the damned squad:

Also to prove its totally random here is a Star Wars X Wing board I finished up for the FLGS:

Its 4' X 4' so plenty of fly room to be had for large battles.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Books for Fists

Finished up the Librarian for the Crimson Fists.  Really like how this one turned out but I can't wait for next month when I don't have commissions to work on!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tanks And Things

Finished up a re-paint of a parking lot worth of tanks.  Quite the marathon of painting but I like the results.

And a few pathfinder pieces as well:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Crimson Fists part the (insert number)

Had some more crimson fists done recently and even finally managed to get the photos sorted and out there:

Definitely getting plenty of practice on marines lately!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Abstract AND Functional

At 6' x 4' this is definitely my biggest project so far.  This new board is the result of seeing the warseer post by MrChaos here:

I did my own take but I really can't take credit for the awesome idea.  Mostly I just wanted to play on the board he made so why not make my own?

All the boards and terrain are fully modular so plenty of strange setups to be had.