Completed Projects

Monday, March 9, 2015

Chaos Dwarves!

Hey look yet another great excuse to make lava bases!  I've been working on 2500 points of these little guys to take to a GT later on.  Being a man of little means I'm doing them on the cheapish side so up first are heavily converted Magma Cannons!

And since I knew I was keeping some of those GW paint pots fora reason I made a dread quake mortar.  Most of the war machines have been made out of spare parts I just purchased a reaper minis cannon so it was nice to save a ton of cash.

And yet more scratch builds with a Prophet on Bale Taurus.  This guy was built off of a toy bull for a grand total of $20 and way to many hours of work.

currently down to only 30 infantry left to paint and another 5 cavalry but lots and lots of bases so more pics to come.