Completed Projects

Monday, August 22, 2016

Out With The Old

While perusing the game collection one day I realized that I had a fully painted set of Doom: The Board Game that hadn't been played in many a year.  Combine that with the incoming new edition I thought it was past due to sell this little gem on the inter-webs.  It has since shipped out to someone who will hopefully play it more than I did.

Since this is a random painting blog then I also realized it should be posted here as its the oldest paint job I have.  By no means was this my first project but it is the oldest one I still have (now had!).  So let loose the minions of hell:

Not my best work but certainly far from the worst.  I was surprised that they still looked this good.  Definitely a time capsule in that game box...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Halloween Preview

 Newest project on the desk is an entire set of Halloween themed kings of war units.  They will be used for a single day campaign like the xmas one that I did last year.  This will be an interesting break from the usual and a good test of speed painting as the army does have to be ready in time...

All of these are WIP so far.  Still settling on a basing theme.

Since I have a shiny new camera I had to take a group shot of last years holiday themed army.  Maybe there needs to be a Halloween Vs Xmas battle....

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Now With More Dwarf!

Finally back again!  I could no longer stand my terrible camera and have switched to a smart phone with an amazingly useful camera built in!  Going to have a lot of back logged things to post now that I can take 'respectable' pictures again.

Anyways on to the dwarves for whom I have just assembled a small army for kings of war games:

First up a group photo.  This is something I just really could not manage with any clarity on the old camera so its nice to be able to take these types of things finally.

This little guy has gotten a new shiny base to match the diamond mine theme.  He's still the same little guy from WHQ so his paint style is a few years back but heck he might as well lead a few stunties!

This was the cheapest unit I've ever made.  Just glue a bunch of random plastic table decorations together and suddenly earth elementals!  You can pick these little guys up at craft stores fairly cheap usually around the wedding decorations.

Just add more and you get a greater earth elemental.

And then some shield breakers.  Going to experiment with lots of random unit fillers to break up the rank and file look without going full multibase on this army. I did post these guys before but now they are a full regiment size instead of a troop.


And finally some berserkers.  Plenty more of those to paint up when I get around to it.