Completed Projects

Monday, March 28, 2022

New Year, New Army!

 After getting a 3d printer I decided to learn how to use it after finding a hilariously awesome set of bibically accurate angels!  So I printed out 23 angels (give or take due to bad prints...) and made up my first Basilean army!

Most of these (maybe all?) can be found on  For the basic elohi units I went with a model called Tru Form Angel.  These guys are massive sculpts so I had to shrink them down to about 35% or so just to get them small enough to fit.  

For the various scatter  terrain I went with a few obelisks I found on thingiverse as well as some floating rocks.  The rocks took several tries to get both the right scale and successfully print them.  They are a bit more obscured by the 'flock' than I would like.

Even the hoard and troop bases are 3d printed (another awesome freebie on thingiverse)!

The other three 'bibically accurate' angels were single pose so they get the character treatment and can be used as Ur- Elohi and or the name Elohi.

Overall I'm super happy with the results and cotton candy colors!  This comes out to be about 2300 points so a cute little themed list to take with so little unit count...