Completed Projects

Saturday, July 16, 2022

3D Printed Dark Souls

 Having a 3D printer is fun I won't lie (and frustrating at times).  Now that I've found out there's a vibrant fan base making amazing print and play expansions for dark souls I had to get in on it!

The lord of cinder has an absurd amount of cards and variety in attacks.  Can't wait to fight against this monster 

I'll always have a soft spot for these bassalisks that from soft created.  

For Gwynn I did have to add some fire to the sword as I felt it just wouldn't be the same without it.  Oddly both him and the Lord of Cinder are lefties on the models but right handers in the game.

After reading the rules the Mirror Knight became a must print.  Summoning an invader mid fight sounds like an interesting battle.

And the royal Rat Brigade because everyone needs rats!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Heroquest 2.0

 I've already completed the original Heroquest game some time ago and I had to jump at the chance when Hasbro re-released it with the expansions plus more quest books!  This feels like a deluxe version of the original with all the extra things, alt sculpts and even a few extra heroes.

Fimirs were replaced with abominations due to copyright issues.  Honestly not a big deal and the abomination scults would really go well in my trident realm army if I hadn't already completed that!

I really like these zombie sculpts they have a great fantasy feal to them.

as always the award for easiest paint job goes to mummies.

I really wish the skeletons either had a few more sculpts or at least had some of the scyth ones replaced with shield and sword ones more to have some variation.

The goblins turned out to be much more interesting and characterful than the originals.

Not only do you get two dread sorcerers (somehow chaos is copywritten?) but you even get a sculpt of the witch lord!

Big improvement on the not chaos warriors they look much more threatening and fit their stat line a bit better.

all the alternate orc sculpts are a great idea.  Having both male and female options is great until you realize its because your party is just invading their home and slaughtering them for no reason....

The new heroes are interesting and add some much needed party variety.  Having mentor as an alternate wizard seems a little odd just because he has the same spells/stats as the regular wizard.  Sir ragnar of course only gets used once but its a nice touch to have the miniature!

The orginal four heroes get alternate female scults as well that were a welcome addition!  I hope more games start doing this just for variety sake!

Ok maybe the gargoyles are easier to paint than the mummies...

as awesome as the dragon sculpt is I must admit its unfortunate that it only shows up in one quest.

The new doors are a 'bit' more durable than their old cardboard counterparts.

And the new furniture is just such a huge improvement.

I just had to print out new terrain as well to compliment this deluxe version.  Why have boring cardboard when you can make it literally pop!

So that's the whole family so far, Frozen horror is pre ordered so I'll have to get that painted as well soonish.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Tentacles Everywhere!

In spite of the lateness of the current kickstarter I really enjoy and admire the game design of Cthulhu Wars.  Really it is a very satisfying and deep game but easy to learn.  It just happens to have a great theme and some awesome minis as well!

Now that Warhammer Quest is all done I've been enjoying some board game projects and thought I'd tackle this behemoth of a game.  I don't have anywhere near everything but I did get all the factions painted up that I currently own!

All the factions come in bright and easy to identify colors so no one is confused as to who's monsters belong to which faction.  Nyarlathotep's gang is all kinds of blue.  I wanted to maintain an overwhelmingly primary color for everything to facilitate gameplay while brining details and color out for everything.

The black goatt really made me work on red and was a bit of a challenge.  I found working in these limited palletes to be a difficult task.  I also didn't want to tone down colors for any faction instead hoping to keep plenty of color to all the various horrors that lurk beyond time and or space.

I have to say that this Cthulhu sculpt is my favorite so far.  Its just so brilliantly alien compared to other ones I've enjoyed.

I'm glad this wasn't my first rodeo with yellow.  Hastur was all kinds of bright and yet sickly at the same time.  Big shout out to whoever sculpted the cultists as well.  There's just something very satisfying about that piece.  Some sculpts try to hard to be a sweet looking miniature and somewhat fall short as a game piece but I like the cultists for hitting that sweet spot between the line of sculpt and game piece.

I agonized over a paint scheme for the neutral faction Azathoth.  Then I just took a little inspiration from my Nightstalker army and wild.  Really enjoyed the results here.

I always enjoy painting pinks and purples and Yog Sothoth certainly fit the bill!  All the doom trackers are small coins which I've painted up in single color metalics with a wash.  I'm not too happy with the sculpt on the great old one for this faction but I'm not exactly sure just what one would scult to represent Yog Sothoth honestly.  

Finally the sleeper faction.  I have to say this is probably about 80% or more of the orange I have ever painted with in my life.  I really think its a color I need to expand upon and work with more.  I rather enjoyed finding color combinations and washes to work within this color.

Until the Kickstarter toys arrive I just have a bunch of neutral units to paint up.  If you haven't tried this game I highly recommend it!  Don't let the size and cost of the base game fool you there's an amazing strategy game in there!