Completed Projects

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pixels to Minis

 So ever since I played it at a friends house I've loved playing 'just one more turn' in Heroes of Might and Magic.  Obviously I had to join in on the board game kickstarter and it was not a disapointment!  The game is great (though in need of a rulebook overhaul) and the minis are stupendous!!!

The tower faction, not one I ever really play but I like the minis!  lots of fun colors and every mini is a unique sculpt so not tired hordes of goblins here!

The necropolis is mine and many other players favorite in the computer games.

Rampart might be the beginings of my elvish hatred as those guys still hurt in the board game!

I always enjoy painting micro scale castles and terrain.  I should really play something at those small scales...

Just for fun they included a few little greebles to place around the map!

Found a few treasure chests to put all the curancy in.

ALL of the coins were in single colors originally thus making it a pain to distinguish between the denominations.

I really don't think you'd want to use the plastic coins at all without painting them but it doesn't take long at all to accomplish that so get to it!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Why is everyone against the Ogres?!?!

 Annnnnd Heroquest is fully painted again!  

Finished up the stellar Ogre Horde expansion with top notch models and what looks to be fun non elf related quests!

First up the Rogue Heir (fitting how the elf is the thief) and a pair of Monks!

The druids are a big improvement over the crowd funded druid IMO plus they come with a puppy.

The ranged monsters were a top notch idea to add some variety.

Also helps that the sculpts were solid and fun to paint.

Some ogres are really dead set on high sticking.

The commander reminds me of a cross between GW ogres and Conan

I would like to know why the champion had weird colored skin on the card but it was a nice departure from the norm and fun to experiment with matching it.

This guy is the reason to buy this expansion, I want two he is so much fun to paint, has a ton of character and just that awesome ogre personality!

Again top o the line furniture every time,  The gates even open!

This is my favorite expansion so far by a mile and a half.  Keep it up!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Elves don't dread the moon...

 I've never played the Rise of the Dread Moon quests but just looking at the elves I can only assume the plot goes something like this: "Hey fellow elves!  Let's form a dark cult to bring forth an ancient evil and mess with the occult to wipe out all peace from the world!".  Dunno just probably what they are doing.

Still a much more fun expansion to paint than the first elf questing.

The cultists are cute and do their best to praise the sun so they get a win!

No these aren't the same elves from last time, I had to paint yet more of them for this expansion.

Another easy minute or two paint job to get the ghosts all ghosting!

The magus guard are honestly pretty sweet models and easy to paint to boot.

And the mercenaries and knight all ready to quest!

Again more top notch furniture these HQ remakes and expansions are worth it for the dungeon furniture alone!

Another big happy family ready to be hidden away for all time!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Elf Quest?

 Yes despite my obvious hatred towards the pointed eared, world devastating, bungling demonic elves I did want to finish all my heroquest expansions.  So the Mage in the Mirror needed a painting...

So many evil elves painted, just look at them!  They are plotting to create some artefact that ends the world as we speak!

Ogres on the other hand have layers and are very enjoyable to paint.

Elf? Dark Elf? Needs some time in the sun for sure for the Arch Mage.

And puppy dogs!  Its nice when there's something super easy to paint in a set.

The new furniture is absolutely impressive and fun to paint up!

Always have to have a new door or 6 with every expansion.

And the whole expansion painted and ready to go back in the box!