Completed Projects

Chaos Abyssals

Obviously this army was summoned from a Warhammer daemon army to serve as a Kings of War Abyssal force.  It was not my first army in WHFB (that goes to a long gone undead army) but it was my first after a 7+ year hiatus.  Due to this fact many of the paint jobs are fairly old and a little on the crumby side.  Still what I have ready for KoW is only a sample of the entire army from days long past...

For KoW I use this as an allied unit of Dire Fangs from Varangur.  The direfangs represent these bulky monsters much better than a moloch horde.  Every model in this army used to be based on a base with a bunch of static grass glued to it.  I could bear the old paint jobs but the bases had to go so matching bases for each of the chaos gods were made as homage.

The Horsemen have suitable quicksilver bases for their god of excess.  I used Spazzstix Chrome on them and they are extra 'mirror finish type of shiny' which doesn't really show up on camera but creates a fun effect.

Plaguebearers are being used to represent Abyssal Guard.  The Nurgley base is just Vallejo rust effects with a rust wash and then a green wash.

Bloodletters fill in for the Abyssal Guard with two handed weapons.  

 The Herald here is allied in from Varangur again as a Chieftan on Dire Fang.

These poor old metal Screamers have broken off their flying bases so many times that they perfectly fit the idea of Tortured Souls...

Blue horrors make up my horde of Lower Abyssals.  The Tzeentch bases are simply a result of 'fun with hot blue'  just put some hot glue wherever you want to make fire and pick at it with a dental pick as it dries to form the peaks of the fire.

Special characters have now been 'demoted' to abyssal champions or harbingers.

These are two effreets but I have enough of these flamers to make another 10+ which just seemed like overkill.

The well of souls is just the old storm of chaos vortex with a few reaper cultists on top.

I do badly need to expand on my imps, perhaps some day.

This little Moloch hord rests on a sheet of 2mm plasticard reinforced with roofing flash.  This barely keeps the weight of the metal models in check.  

Some day I will re-do the trays and bases on my flame bearers to match the rest of the army, some day...

When I started Daemons there were no models at all for heralds.  Reaper thankfully supplied all kinds of fun models to use.  A little greenstuff makes them extra disgusting.

After using hellhounds I deffinately need to base up another unit of these...

The succubi had a paint scheme in mind but something happened and they turned out like this.  Not really sure what happened back then...

This Lord of Change has had a few things re-painted on him and overall its one of my favorite GW models.  For its day the post was not only animated but a major PAIN to assemble.

Never really understood why so many people go crazy for the Bel'akor sculpt.  Its good but far from GWs best sculpts.  Either way as a daemon player I had to have him and now he is on a base that is kind of an intersection of all four gods.  This also helps to increase his size so he isn't mistaken for a height 2 shrimp...

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