Completed Projects

Ratkin Below

 At less than 1500 points it may be a small group of Rats but it is an army of sorts at least!  The whole army was themed as sewer vermin.

I LOVE this model from forgeworld for the demonspawn but literally every angle makes this guy look fat!  He is disgustingly brutal looking and maybe a little big boned but certainly not fat!

In order to mount him on a 50mm base a rock was required to keep him from tipping over...

The death engine required painting in stages to get into all the little areas.  This model is full of detail and one of the best from GW in my opinion.

Here is the roadbump er spearmen unit.

The unit filler for the blight is made out of plasticard with half of a paint pot as a pipe and good old fashioned vallejo water effects.

Sadly I only have a regiment of brutes, for now...

The clawshots have either won me games or made my opponent laugh at their lack of accuracy.

A simple weapon team.

Warlock and enforcer

And a big ol horde of warriors ready to not hit on 5+'s!

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