Completed Projects


The Salamander army was the largest commission in model count that I had done to date.  I had been 'threatened' with this commission for years and finally accepted it one day.  Organizing a quote and getting a list of paint schemes took more time than some commissions alone but it was worth it for the final result.

The army itself is substantial in size clocking in at 6,425 points minimum with hundreds of models.  On top of that its very colorful and fun!

The easiest part by far, the unblooded. Just like the primes but a few less steps.

He only wanted a single regiment of ceremonial guard which explains the lack of them.

These guys were painted in batches of 40+ models.  Everything was sprayed dark blue with a bright blue zenith to get the base colors moving out quickly.

Kaisenor Lancers.  Why are they named that?

We used the mantic salamanders for the corsairs to represent a younger more adventurous group.  Add flintlocks and a loose pirate theme, then serve.

The Ghekotah are a hard sell for their points right now sadly.  They did get a little bit of a buff but have a hard time seeing table time.

Sadly not all the photos turned out and it was a bit late to get them re-taken after the army was out the door.

Even more gehkotah warriors!  There were even more in the collection left unpainted...

These ancients were a long and grueling slog to get through but the end result is nuts!  Just through shear luck the clients collection ended up with an insane amount of GW temple guard and I must admit put into a gigantic double horde does look impressive.

The new greater fire elemental from mantic is the newest edition to the army and an impressive model for sure.  I really like this sculpt.

Florescent paints made the fire elementals pop like nothing else but the camera does get really weirded out by them as well!

Ghekotah hunters likewise haven't seen a lot of table time for him but they are ready whenever they get a buff that brings them into the limelight!

For the tyrants he wanted to go with something that stood out.  We settled on a yellow, red and purple scheme with the Wyrd miniatures.

The skyraiders are lots of fun to paint up.  Less so to store as is the curse of any flight stand based miniatures.

The komodons and Lekeilodons make up a pseudo war machine slot.

Plenty of fun heroes to accompany the army.

Unfortunately the  Rhinosaurs were a little camera shy and ended up blurred.  These are regular GW cold one riders modified to ride toy dinosaurs.

The battle captain has seen some slight damage on the table top but still shows up often against me.

The firedrake is another toy requisitioned into the Salamander army.

In a surprise twist one day (before the days of KoW) he asked me to paint up/convert the GW bastiladon as it's obvious pokemon counterpart.  Lots of sculpting and converting lead to this monstrosity!

And the final toy conscripted into the army as a clan lord on fire drake.

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