Completed Projects

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

And Done.

Finished up the old world monster tables for Warhammer Quest finally!

 First up are the Slaanesh and Khorne chaos warriors just to be complete.  This way no matter which god your chaos warrior chooses I've got it covered!

The dark elves were a bit of a salvage job as they already came painted (horribly) so some details are no longer present.
 Finally the last new thing to be finished are a selection of chaos characters to be used in various strange monster encounters.  Lots of flavor and variety in these one which is always fun to paint.
As for the unposted old photos there are a ton!  Here goes:

Needed a few beastmen characters on some entries so of course reaper provides.

 The chimera is from reaper as the new GW one is WAY to big to fit in the dungeon as a normal large monster.
 Goblin characters are some of the most fun models to paint.

 The gorgons are from reaper and in spite of the mono-pose they work well.

The bull god incarnate in the great taurus:

The reaper griffon is a wonderful model nice and easy to paint and a classic pose.

Another once hard to find model the lamasu.  Of course now GW has them back up for sale at prices that nearly match what I paid on ebay for them....

An old classic liche model.

After playing dark souls I decided the manticore needed to be white :)

I love this reaper minotaur character and I only had to touch up and shade the pre paint work that it came with as its one of the legend rubber models.

I wish I had waited to paint this model as its the necromancer from avatars of war.  Not sure I really did it much justice...

Poo daemons or nurglings you decide!

The rat ogres were bought off ebay and came painted however despite this I thought i'd leave the paint job on them as they aren't too bad.

 Some more skaven characters (so tired of painting skaven!)

 And yet more skaven... so many rats!

 I have several flamers in multiple colors/eras of models  fun ones to paint too.
 And of course zombies.

So whats next?  First up is going to be a group shot which will take some work to get together but should be done soonish.  After that its on to lustria!

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