Completed Projects

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Back To The Dungeon

Its time to finally get some real progress on Warhammer Quest miniatures!

First up two daemon princes of khorne, not really sure which I want to use for sure.  One is just a 'little' more subdued...

A little boring but the Goblin Herders are here to keep those squigs in line now:

 And the warpfire throwers are finished up.  I so wish I hadn't bought the metal ones before the plastic island of blood weapon teams came out.  Sooooo much more expensive!

Alright now for some old photos that haven't been posted yet.  First up the Daemonettes.  

The skaven gutter runners work nicely as assassins, master assassins and those pesky level 11 groups of deathmasters (that's right groups).

Since its been a while lets show off another two daemon princes first the unaligned one and a familiar face from slaanesh:

The old world table is nearly at an end.  I still have three more groups to finish up and then find time to take a HUGE group shot!

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