Completed Projects

Saturday, September 24, 2016

More Forces of Nature and Night-Stalkers.

Finished up the legion of scarecrows for Kings of War Nightstalkers:

Next up for the stalkers will be some HUGE monsters...

And it seems I've been neglecting to take pictures of all the nature stuff that has been finished over the year.  Messed around with some rudimentary background replacement with mixed results but it does look a little more spiffy:

I really liked the salamanders Mantic put out recently.  They lend themselves to lots of different paint schemes and look suitably brutish as well.  Eventually I want to expand this to a horde:

Updated the Forest Shamblers to a horde thanks to Mantic's new releases:

Requisitioned the WHQ hydra for this army

The green lady may need some touchups as she was a quick paint up for a game.

Some GW dryads to represent my nayad horde.

Tree herder again stolen from the WHQ miniatures and given a base treatment

No background swaping for this as I just got too lazy to go through all the gaps.  Here's the whole horde of tree huggers in all their (way too many points) glory:

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