Completed Projects

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Home Stretch

Sick of the stalkers yet?  Too bad!  After this I only have a regiment of reapers to finish the project off.

So up first are the 'hero' models.  The shade:

And the Banshee.  Both of these seem like interesting characters to use but as always points are very tight in a night stalkers army so without ludicrously large battles I won't get to try them all at once.

Mostly because I can here is the Portal of Despair.  Not sure how easily I will be able to fit this thing in an army due to points limits but I does look foreboding.

And the kit I got the portal out of becomes a rather fitting (for my theme) shadow hulk.  Since its supposed to be a malformed cyclops I just assume the tentacles are coming out of the former eye socket:

Personally I'm tired of painting this army and would take a break if I wasn't so stupidly close to having it all done.  Really don't think I want to field this army without the reapers.  Blood worms would also be nice but I have no idea what I want to use for them yet.

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