Completed Projects

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Its Officially an Obsession Now

So now its a 2000+ point army and there are still more man dolls to paint....

The rest of the phantoms are done so they can linke/form Voltron and become a real regiment!  These silly spirit host models are so fiddly and hard to assemble I honestly don't think I've done it the way they are trying to show me how to in the instructions once:

Like 80% of Night Stalker players I went with the reaper alien squid faced models for my Butchers.  Not original in any way but they work so well!  I was going to do 3 per regiment base but they just felt crowded:

This project has definitely helped me with blending and trying out a few new techniques.  On top of that the army has a fairly unique look on the table so that's a bonus.

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