Completed Projects

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Back to Basics

Started this project a long while ago but now its back.  That's right time to re-base a stupidly large daemon army.  The paint jobs are old but some new shiny bases certainly help make them a bit less embarrassing to field.  Like all of my fantasy armies this one is being converted to Kings of War as a Forces of the Abyss army.

Some of these have been shown off before but now the bases have been finished and magnetic movement trays added to match.  First up are the Molochs:

Heres the start of the Imps (and I do mean start I have more than I should...).  As an homage to the long gone chaos gods I wanted to theme all the bases.  Nurgle has rusty nasty goo made from vallejoh sandy paste paint.

The bloodcrushers are being used as allied varangur Direfang Riders as they just seemed to fit more than making them another moloch unit.   The khorne bases are covered in blood made with Vallejo Water effects.  These are super simple to use special effect paints and I really love them!

It took re-basing and some fiddling about to make the abyssal horsemen rank up. These slaanesh seekers were never modeled to rank up which was already painfully obvious in WHFB.  The slaanesh bases are done the same way as the khorne ones but with Spazstik Chrome paint instead of blood.

The tortured souls have been done for a while but now they have a pretty movement tray! The Tzeentch bases have pink fire made from good old fashioned hot glue.  Just let it cool a bit and use tweezers to pull, twist and shape it.

A few abyssal champions which are honestly some decent troubleshoot combat heroes.

I could field somewhere around 15 of these as efreets but I think 2 is more than I will ever use.  Then again a stupid high points value battle could be fun....

Just because I'm going over all of them here's the archfiend again.

And in case of a 'sudden need of points' a second arch fiend.  The skulls a cheap little Halloween decoration and since its originally bel'akor I thought I'd combine all the base styles into one.

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