Completed Projects

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Battle of the Holidays

Its finally time for another battle report!  This time something that has little to no bearing on 'legitimate' gaming.  We pitted the Halloween army against the Christmas army to finally see which holiday will reign supreme and rule with an iron pumpkin or candy cane.

The units are absolutely made up and have little to no real play testing as an army.  On top of the the rule of unlocking things with regiments/hordes is thrown out as the armies are made for a specific event in store and aren't really meant to be a full army on their own.  Anyways here are the statistics for all of the units in play as well as whats what on the filed:

1: Gift Golem

SP: 5  ME:3+   RA:- DE:5+   AT:8    Nerve:-/17    Points:200
Crushing Strength(3), Shambling, Elite, Windblast(8)

2: Rudolph the Red

SP:8   ME:4+   RA:- DE:5+   AT:9    Nerve:16/18    Points:210

Crushing Strength(1), Thunderous Charge(1), Rally(2), Iron Resolve

3: Santa of Claus

SP:6   ME:3+   RA:- DE:6+   AT:14    Nerve:-/25    Points:500

Elite, Vicious, Crushing Strength(3), Thunderous Charge(1), Nimble, Very Inspiring, Heal(4), Life Leech(1)

4: Ice Golem

SP:5   ME:4+   RA:- DE:5+   AT:11    Nerve:-/18    Points:250
Crushing Strength (2), Shambling, Vicious
5: Happy Holiday Cannon

SP:3   ME:5+   RA:6+ DE:6+   AT:1    Nerve:-/20    Points:280
Pierce(4), Blast(3D6, Lob-it, Reload

6: Nutcracker Suite

SP:5   ME:5+   RA:4+ DE:3+   AT:20    Nerve:16/18    Points:210
Phalanx, Rifles, Shambling, Pierce(1)

7: Santa's Little Archers

SP:6   ME:4+   RA:4+ DE:4+   AT:15    Nerve:-/16    Points:270
Pathfinder, Elite, Bows

8: Ghosts of Xmas Whenever

SP:10   ME:4+   RA:- DE:6+   AT:13    Nerve:-/15    Points:270
Lifeleech(2), Fly, Shambling, Thunderous Charge(1)

9: Santa's little elves

SP6:   ME:3+  RA:- DE:4+   AT:16    Nerve:-/16    Points:220
Pathfinder, Phalanx, Elite

10: Naughty Listers

SP:5   ME:4+   RA:4+ DE:3+   AT:15    Nerve:23/25    Points:250

1: Nightmare Engine

SP:7   ME:4+   RA:-  DE:4+   AT:3D6    Nerve:-/17    Points: 300
Crushing Strength(2), Vicious, Ensnare, Iron Resolve, Breath Attack(att), Strider, Thunderous, Charge (1), Brutal, Big Shield

2 & 3: Frankenstein and his Monster
SP:5   ME:5+   RA:-  DE:4+   AT:1    Nerve:12/14    Points:160
Individual, Very Inspiring (the monster only), Bane Chant(3), Lightning Bolt(5)

The Monster
SP:5   ME:4+   RA:-  DE:5+   AT:6+D6    Nerve:-/16    Points:260
Crushing Strength(1), Iron Resolve, Regeneration(5+ or 4+ if Frankenstein is within 6")

4: Pumpkin King

SP:7   ME:3+   RA:-  DE:3+   AT:20    Nerve:-/31    Points:300
Elite, Vanguard, Crushing Strength(1), Strider, Inspiring, Shambling

5: Witch Coven

SP:4   ME:5+   RA:-  DE:4+   AT:-    Nerve:12/15    Points:180
Tough, Lightning Bolt(7), Breath Fire(16), Bane Chant(5)

6: Boo Boo Ghosts

SP:10   ME:4+   RA:- DE:3+   AT:18    Nerve:-/19    Points:290
Fly, Shambling, Crushing Strength(1), Life Leech(2), Mindthirst

7: Captain Short Beard's Ghost Pirates

SP:5   ME:4+   RA:4+ DE:4+   AT:15    Nerve:15/17    Points:170
Lifeleech(2), Pierce(1), Regeneration(6+), Reload, Pistols

Ghastly Cannon: single attack ranged 5+ to hit 48" range pierce(2), Blast D6+3.

8: Scarecrow King

SP: 6   ME:4+   RA:-  DE:5+   AT:7    Nerve:-/17    Points: 230
Individual, Regeneration(5+), Lightning Bolt(4)

9: Trick Makers

SP: 6  ME:4+   RA:3+  DE:4+   AT:12    Nerve:12/14   Points:180
Firebolt, Vanguard, Pathfinder, Stealthy, Pierce(1)

10: Red Bones

SP:7   ME:3+   RA:-  DE:5+   AT:12    Nerve:-/15    Points:160
Elite, Crushing Strength(1), Lifeleech(1), Iron Resolve(1), Shambling, Regeneration(6+)

11: Dracula

SP:8   ME:3+   RA:-  DE:6+   AT:9    Nerve:15/17    Points:300
Individual, Crushing Strength(2), Elite, Vicious, Inspiring, Lifeleech(2)

Vampire Forms: may use each form only once

Wolf: SP 10 pathfinder and Thunderous charge (1)
Bat: SP 11 fly Crushing strength(1), lifeleech(4)
Mist: Successful damage rolls against dracula are re-rolled.

12: Flying Monkies

SP:10   ME:5+   RA:-  DE:4+   AT:30    Nerve:21/23    Points:210
Fly, Elite, Vicious, Vanguard, Yellow Bellied

13 Treat Takers

SP:6   ME:3+   RA:- DE:4+   AT:22    Nerve:14/16    Points:160
Elite, Vicious


 The red bones and scarecrow were poised on Halloween's right flank with the Flying Monkey horde and nightmare engine positioned to support either the flank or center.

 Dracula was front and center amongst his witch coven and ghost pirates.  The pumpkin king and frankenstein (with his monster) were ready to hit the center or support the left flank.

Finally the left flank is held up by the treat takers, boo boo ghosts and trick makers.

Across from their spooky opponents Xmas setup their Ice Golem on the far right flank with the Ghosts of xmas whenever.  The holiday cannon was prepared to fire away in hopes that the magic '6' would roll and obliterate a unit!  The main center was held up by Rudolph the Red, Little Suzie and the big jolly man himself towing the naughty listers into battle behind him.

Finally on the festive left flank the Nutcracker Suite stood resolute alongside Santa's Elves with a Gift Golem in tow.  On the far flank Santa's Little Archers prepared to hold off the spooky assault.

The holiday forces prepared for an epic showdown to decide who would reign supreme!  Xmas won the roll off and took the initiative to launch an all out attack on Halloween.

Turn 1

The flying monkeys had taken a vanguard move to advance slightly down the board and much of the Xmas army advanced in a festive fury.

The archers opened up on the red bones causing significant damage but they stood regardless. Likewise the nutcrackers cracked a volley of riffle shots grounding a few of the flying monkeys but the horde remained in tact.

The Holiday Cannon fired its opening shot deafening the crew and most of the troops within close range but managed to fly far over the battlefield possibly taking out a cottage on another table entirely.  The crew assured Santa they were merely 'ranging in'.

Little Suzie on the other hand rolled a perfect set of wind blasts and pushed the pumpkin king back towards the edge of the battlefield showing that size really isn't everything...

 Undaunted by the pathetic attempts at a 'scare' from the Xmas shooting the armies of all hallows eve charged into battle.  Dracula took the form of a bat and flew directly into the back lines of his enemies threatening the jolly fat man himself.  Meanwhile the Boo Boo ghosts charged their Xmas kind in an attempt to score an early break.  The rest of the army moved forward while the flying monkeys charged headlong into Santa's stalwart elves.

In response to the archers attempts to fend off the flank the scarecrow king hurled lightning causing only minor damage.

The cannon of the ghost pirates did far more and Rudolph the Red tasted the fury of Halloween but held enraged.

The monkeys clashed with the elves but Santa had trained them in far more than simple toy making and they held without shaking.

The trick or treat monstrosities assaulted the ghosts of xmas whenever and rolled a stunning route, or so they thought!  Rudolph the Red was there with Rally(2) and kept the ethereal festivities in the game!

By the end of the turn the battle had begun but no side had gained favor, yet.

Turn 2

A trio of joyous rampages were quickly brought to face the Boo Boo ghosts as Xmas leaped into their turn. The elves and the Gift Golem likewise charged into the horde of monkeys but the Nutcrackers turned their attention towards Dracula hoping to stave off the assassination attempt against their jolly warlord.

Another volley of cheerful arrows put the Red Bones back into the ground before they would ever have a chance to swing their blades for Halloween.  Again the Holiday Cannon rang out in triumphant explosions and a goat far up in the mountains of Tibet felt its rage but non on the battlefield were phased.

The nutcrackers first unleashed a full volley of shots into Dracula while Little Suzie surged their wooden soldiers into close combat!  Much to their surprise the vampire took only a single damage and instead was only enraged against their feeble attempts at holding him down.

The elves and Gift Golem on the other hand were not amused by the monkey's antics and destroyed them outright signing carols of their mighty victory against the darkness!

The boo boo ghosts were chopped down like tootsie pops covered with tissue paper armor by the combined might of Xmas.  The golem would turn to face the tricksters on the flank while Rudolph the Red and his ghosts prepared for the incoming onslaught of Frankenstein's monster and the Treat Takers.

The Xmas counter assault had proven disastrous for Halloween but they fought on for the rage of Xmas's decorations encroaching on their hallowed day fueled the fires of rebellion.

Halloween continued undaunted by the previous demoralization phase and the Pumpkin King lead the charge into the Naughty Listers.  Dracula, calm under fire, decided that the wooden men were beneath his notice and instead charged Little Suzie looking for an appetizer before his main course: Santa of Claus!  The Treat takers likewise charged into the fray with the monster hoping to end the rage of Rudolph once and for all.

 Angered by the death of their flying pets the Witch Coven summoned a bolt of lightning to strike down those prissy holiday elves.  Much to Santa's amazement the Elves took it in turn to bolt off the battlefield never to be seen again!

Dracula feasted upon the blood of Little Suzie without mercy, her days of weaving spells against the naughty little girls and boys were promptly over....

Rudolph on the other hand Stood firm in the face of Frankenstein's creation and the happy little Treat Takers readying his blade for another taste of battle.

The pumpkin King likewise met with some success in damaging the Naughty Listers but they were stuborn and refused to die off so easily.

The Scarecrow king continued his slow advance toward the elves on the flank calling doom down upon them but unlike their brethren they would not abandon their post so easily!

Next time the battle gets bloody and the fate of the holidays hangs in the balance...

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