Completed Projects

Monday, November 28, 2016

Here Comes the Humans!

 Here's something that I rarely seem to paint.  The human army has gotten off to a great start with a small 600ish point force ready to go.

First up the previously previewed pike horde is finished with plenty of things to poke your eye out with:

The archers as well as the cannon are from an old battle masters set I had lying around.  Even though everything is mono-pose I can't help but appreciate how fun the miniatures are to paint for some strange reason.

The cannon crewman was missing his sponge so an improvised banner was added to make sure he didn't have idle hands.

Finally I had exactly 12 spearmen given to me from someone (though I sadly can't remember who)  that were conscripted into the fancy pants brigade!

There are still plenty of the fancy pants brigade left to paint and it will surely need some extra fancy heroes to lead it...

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