Completed Projects

Thursday, January 19, 2017

New, Old and REALLY OLD

So a few more campaign miniatures finished up in short order.  Got the ships and dragons finished:

The various army banners are ready to go (at least enough for the first season for sure).  We will be having Abysall dwarves, Rhordia, Elves and Salamanders:

And since I haven't done a group photo yet here are the fancy pants humans in all their badly lit glory:

Finally something from WAY back.  My first Warhammer army was undead (back when they were just undead not split).  While scavaging through the parents house I found this little guy who had somehow escaped the ebaying of the old army:

This screaming skull crewman is the oldest surviving miniature I have now that was painted by a much younger me.  Nice to know I've gotten better at least!

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