Completed Projects

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Abyssal Dwarf Photo Shoot!

I realized there is a large gap from my finished chaos dwarf army pics and now.  In between those posts there were actually quite a few things painted for the army because my first list was torn apart in practice games.  So I thought that giving all the models some updated photos was the only decent thing to do...

I did experiment with using a lammassu but things never worked out with it though perhaps KoW will see it hit the table in something other than Warhammer Quest.

Various characters now slave drivers (who I think are VASTLY under rated in the game) and iron casters.

The Bull Centaur Tau'Ruk from forge world now being used as a Grotesque Champion.

So like most chaos dwarf players in 8th edition I had more of a desire to play the army than I had a wallet to afford it.  So I had to improvise a little with parts I had lying around.  This heavy Grog Mortar is made of  a GW paint pot, Goblin wolf chariot and a few 40k parts.  The crew of course are regular dwarves that have had their beard upgraded to the slightly superior evil dwarf variety.

And for the magma cannons (now regular grog mortars) I used a reaper cannon with some parts made from 40k imperial guard bits, dwarf bits and chapstic caps.

Mantic's goblins are not excatly my favorite models to work with as they have many issues.  However with a lot of time and care they come out looking fairly good.  Plus now I can use them for some interesting ally hijinks.

Part of those hijinks are converting my Daemon engine (which was a huge help in the tournament) into a goblin mincer.

The old infernal guard from forge world are now my Immortals.  The little guy in the middle as a unit filler is a reaper dwarf that begged me to paint him.

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