Completed Projects

Monday, February 27, 2017

Big Bad Dwarf Things

Alright two new units for the Abyssal Dwarves are finished off and ready to enter the fray.

Up first a horde of Grotesques.  The bull centaurs have been done since the dark times before Kings of War but the unit fillers needed to be added to make the minimum unit size and fill out that last 25mm on the base.

The hapless peasents running from the horde are painted up in my rival's Rhordian color schemes.

The next model was one that has been taunting me since I bought it on release.  I love this giant thing and it was a fun painting project as well.  On top of that there was no need to modify it so that's a bonus!

I really think Mantic hit it out of the park on this one.  Even though its hard to fit such a points heavy model in it shall be squeezed in one way or another...

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