Completed Projects

Monday, February 13, 2017

Chaos er.... Abyssal Dwarves Revisited

The old Chaos Dwarf army has long since been re purposed into Kings of War (which I might add makes them much more playable and interesting).  I have an inkling to travel for a tournament again and will be attempting to paint up all the necessary evil stunties in order to facilitate the beating of face (hopefully not mine!).

KoW does not price their evil dwarves way into the stratosphere for no reason and as such requires far more units and larger sized units at that in order to make the same points.  So meet the finished decimator HORDE:

This army is not meant a quick speed painting army so I'm taking a lot more time on this.  However I don't want to paint up hundreds of dwarves thus the unit fillers within the block of troops.  It also helps break up the monotony of the unit quite well.

And since showing off just a single unit would be lame I finally finished my Kadai Fireborn Obsidian Golems  which use a combination of reaper and actually mantic golems.  As with everything in life even models are better when they are on fire!

Can't wait to have this army finished as I think it will stand out well on the table top.  Heck at the last tourney it even won best painted but that was in the by gone era of some other game by some other company that didn't love it or its fan base so whatever.  Now my little guys are twice as maniacal in Mantica

And for good fun here's a WIP of the Slave Orcs

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