Completed Projects

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Elves, Creeps and Cities

A few new things are done or at least done-ish.  I've been agonizing over how I wanted my elf army to look and finally came up with something suitably elfy:

I still need some more elves finished before there are enough to meet at least minimum model count but it's nice to have the formula down. Yes my madness does force me to paint something pink at least once a year...

Next up I needed some genestealers to steal some genes during the Sodak Con space hulk game.  Of course I just had to do an aliens rip off not only because I can but because its super fast:

Finally (and with much more effort) our infinity group needed a map to campaign on.  apparently they've gotten jealous of the Kings of War one so two butchered monopoly sets, 1 butchered catan, expansion and seafarers set, tiles from the original mighty empires by GW (yes all the city blocks are those tiles which are VERY out of print) and I now have only my second most expensive campaign map...   Yes I need help!

Still despite my descent into madness I like the finished result.

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