Completed Projects

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Bolstering the Ranks

So now that there's a new edition of 40k out I like Kings of War even more.  Seriously though what does GW have against grey knights?  I just want to play with my man dolls without asking my opponent if I can take twice as many points to even the odds!


So my Night Stalkers needed a few reinforcements:

I've been wanting to try out some shadow hounds as they seem like a nice fast cavalry and chaff unit that my army desperately needs.  These little guys come out of the new WizKids unpainted D&D minis.  The quality on those is really high though I do wish they hadn't primed them.  Let the customer choose their own priming color you fools!

A few specters have also been added to bolster the ranged portion of the army as well.  These guys are all mind flayers from the wiz kids line and reaper minis.

Finally I needed to add some Gore Riders to my abyssal dwarves as I just picked up a troop for the campaign.  Yet again I really don't see why people keep hating on mantics minis they have some fabulous sculpts and they paint up really well.  I only wish they had less armor to represent their slave status!

Since I was already painting up a troop might as well finish it up with a full regiment as well.  Another fun thing about the slave orc gore rider regiment box is that you can make both a troop and regiment from one box!  Sweet deal.  Love the little dwarf chariot too.

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