Completed Projects

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Good Dwarves and some Infinity!

Though no project ever seems to remain 'complete' I have added completed projects to the side bar.  Hopefully as I get pictures updated and in presentable quality I can keep a log of armies that are 'completed'.  In general this just means I haven't added anything more to them for a while.

With that I now have a 1000 point demo army of dwarves!

When I realized a troop of rangers could bump this up to a respectable 1000 points I figured it was time to revisit the old diamond mine dwarves!  I'd like to go back and make a more interesting banner some day when I can find the inspiration and ideas for it.

And here's the whole (smallish) army.  You can check up some close ups of the units on the right sidebar under 'completed projects'

And since this is a random paint-o-matic here are a few more Ariadna Infinity models.  The guy I painted them for needed to quickly expand his force for a few missions so these were done in roughly a night.

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