Completed Projects

Saturday, August 5, 2017

How To: Curled Beards

Someone had requested this little tutorial on my abyssal dwarf beards so here it is.  Sadly the tutorial I used to learn this has since been lost to that great 404 in the sky or this would just be a link...

To start out make sure you have the following supplies:

Blue Yellow epoxy (aka Green Stuff), Water spray bottle, Hobby Knife (preferably a little dull but not too dull), Scultping tool for pushing the green stuff around into place, and finally a dentists pick.   I won't be detailing where to use the water but overall keep your tools and your greenstuff wet in order to stave off the sticky mess it can become.

Oh yeah and you probably want a miniature of some kind to put a suitably awesome beard on.  I have picked out one of the few abyssal dwarves left without a majestic curled beard.  Mantics beards are not bad at all but I want that old school chaos dwarf beard with the funny hats and all!  Sadly this will cover up most of the frontal details so be aware of that before you start. 

Speaking of which we start by saying an apology to all dwarven gods of all creeds and mythos. Why?  Because we will be chopping of a dwarf beard: a true sacrilegious act.    You don't have to be super clean about it because we will be sculpting over the whole beard area.

Next mix up a little bit of green stuff into a vaguely beard like shape.

Stick that weird chin tumor on right under the chopped beard area.

Take your sculpting tool and manipulate that blob so that it melds with the face parts a little.  It won't have to be super smooth all around.  Heck I even still had paint on my fingers so little bits flaked off all over!

 Seriously though don't paint and sculpt. It's your dwarves that pay the price.  Won't somebody think of the dwarves?

After the chin tumor is in place it's time to begin the beardening.  Take your dental pick and use the side of it to make indendations in the green stuff creating little lines going from the top of the beard to the bottom.  Make sure to do the same to the bottom of the beard underneath your lines to separate the strands later on as the beard takes shape.

Put on your chainmail gloves next (or just be careful) and take up your mighty hobby knife.  You will start on one side of each beard strand and just press little slits into the beard as you see above.

Next do the same to the other side of each strand.

Pause to curse and apply bandages should mistakes happen to your hand.

Then do the same to the middle of each strand.

Finally (because no one will ever notice but it will put your mind at ease and please the dwarf gods)  take the pokey end of your dental pick and make holes in the bottom of each strand of the beard to finish it out!

You now have a fully bearded dwarf and may have even made amends for the chopping off of a dwarf beard.  Should the sky's begin to turn red be sure to paint up the miniature as soon as soon as the green stuff dries fully (wait 24 hours) in order to appease the dwarf gods fully.

Hope this was helpful to all you stunties out there!  If there's something you see on the blog and want to know how its done feel free to let me know!

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