Completed Projects

Monday, October 2, 2017

Nearing the Finish Line

It's been over two years (obviously off and on) since I started the old chaos dwarf army for the King of the Mountain GT.  Those were my very last warhammer fantasy games (which was an awesome send off) before switching to Kings of War which I happily did.  Those little guys took home not only best chaos dwarf (sure there were only two of us!) but best painted as well and have been near and dear to me ever since.

Now though they are nearing a completed and nearly 5000 point Abyssal dwarf army.  Plenty of mixed models as well as some home brew conversions have made this an insane but fun project.  Anywho here are a few more units to add to the legion:

Had to do another troop of gargoyles since they really are just amazing chaff units.  My only real complaint for these models has been that they tend to be confusing as a tall model that just happens to be height 1.  Of course when they look sweet on the table who cares if it confuses both yourself and the opponent right?

These little beutes came from a friend.  Neither he or I have a clue as to where these guys came from.  Some kind of world war I/II crossover dwarves.  They were super sinister and as much as I would like to use the mantic ones I couldn't resist using these as my dragon fire teams.

Another troop of Half Breeds are finished which means I can do two full regiments of the beasts.

Finally the last horde of Black Souls.  Despite some of them having shields I tend to use them as the two handed weapons version since they have big weapons and HUGE hats!  This was deffinately one of the hardest set of models to get ahold of and since the prices just keep rising on the old big hats I put in a unit filler made of the old metal Deff Dread with a happily maniacal dwarf driving it.

Only another regiment of Immortals and a regiment of berserkers to go now before I stick a fork in it...

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