Completed Projects

Friday, January 11, 2019


Yeah I know its been a while...

But whatever! I've got new dwarves!

No dwarf army would be caught out in a mine without big boomy guns!

One of the gunners even has a nice instruction manual telling him what to roll to hit the target...

 Somehow I did fit the flame belcher on a 50mm base.  Really like the pointing dwarf on this one he's just got a lot of character to him.

I REALLY like painting dwarves and I don't know why.  I didn't even need all these characters but they were just so much fun to paint!  Must be the beards...

For my berserker lord on Brock I went for this gorgeous reaper miniature.  

And Mantic's models worked great for exactly the purpose they were cast for!  These guys were a lot more fun to paint than I thought they'd be.

 These guys have finally been upgraded to a full on regiment!

And last but not least I've got my throwing pugs of war!

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