Completed Projects

Monday, October 19, 2020

More Questing

 Its been a very long time but I have some photos banked that need editing and posting so here's the lastest batch of Warhammer Quest monsters finished up for Lustria, Norsca and Sewers.

With the baby stegadon already done here's the ancient stegadon

The Behemoth spider has been in a near complete stage for ages but now its finished.

I really didn't like the chaos dragon model when I originally put it together but I gained an appreciation for it while painting for sure.  Lots of little details and fun surprises.

The cygor was fun to paint just a spray gradient and pick out details.

Picked up another stegadon to have an engine of the gods without dealing with a magnet nightmare

For Norsca the Level 11 encounters can result in exalted greater daemons.  A very rare thing but I did have models for them so first up the Bloodthirster from ultraforge (think they are troll forge now).

From the same company the great unclean one.  Went for a very pale scheme on this one really like how it turned out.

The keeper of secrets complete with chrome pool beneath.

And from Mierce miniatures a lord of change, this guy is buff and massive!

Again to avoid magnet nightmares I got a seperate ghorgon even though being gargantuan monsters they can never appear alongside the cygor model.

I realized I had used the original mummies in my Empire of Dust army so I used these frankly awesome looking mantic mummies for quest

The sewers introduced a mythic troll just because we always need more trolls.

Plague Drones now show up in Norsca adding some variety to the daemon roster.

Rat swarms are fun not only pinning warriors down but making it difficult for others to aid them without accidently striking their own allies who are engulfed in rats.

I've got a surprising amount of Slaan for Lustria, still more to come...

And the Yheeti's finish off this batch of pics 


  1. Wow! That's an incredible plethora of monsters & daemons. Fantastic painting, very productive output. I'm jealous of your Lustrian beasts. I could do with adding some dinosaurs to my own Lizardman dungeon...

    1. Just gotta keep fighting back the grey! Most of all have fun painting!
