Completed Projects

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


I've mostly been working on re-basing every single Warhammer quest model that doesn't already have a pretty themed base using 3d printed bases.  This has been tedious and exhausting and I can guess I'm about halfway there?

Taking a break from that I've finished up the dark elf expansion for our custom Warhammer Quest Rules.  This means I have a TON of dark elves to paint as the besetiary is greatly expanded now.  This forced me to finally settle on a theme for my Kings of War Twighligt Kin whenever I can find time to paint those as well:

The sisters of Slaughter are nice models but I can't figure out how you would ever rank them up.  The color scheme was inspired by a pair of shoes I saw once with bright teal, pink and purple and some blacks as well.

Needless to say this is a really fun paint scheme and complements my goody two shoes elves well too.  The melusai were a set of models I had forgoten that I got years ago so it was nice to not have to hunt any down.

In addition to some new WHQ models I started doing touch ups on the old warriors.  These guys were originally painted 10-12 years ago so I've learned a few things since then.

Upgrade the Kislev Shamans to some magical ice weapons!

The wardancer now fits in with my actual elf army.

The elf himself just got a repaint in the origanl art style.

Can't believe I didn't even paint the gems originally on this wizard.

The halfling looks rather sour at his lot in life now but sports a much fancier dress.

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