Completed Projects

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Carverns and Cave Beasts


Proving as usual my santiy is a lost cause I've finished up another expansion for Warhammer Quest this time focusing on caves and caverns.  This fleshes out both the Orcs and the Beastmen bestiary to its final

Not my favorite wyvern sculpt but I do have a soft spot for giant orcs with tiny shields.

Speaking of for the Orc Big Un's I decided to make one giant orc that has the large monster rule instead of just slightly beefier orcs.

Squigs are magical and no one can convince me other wise.  Love me some squigs.

These snotlings I found as fre STL files and frankly they look amazing!

Same thing for the orc boar riders though I had a print failure on every single one causing me to fix them through the bits box instead of wasting resin.

I used to use these as Hobglin wolf riders in my chaos dwarf army now they've found new life!

For the beastmen I wanted the various gods represented more so themed minotaurs and beastmen were all added in.

I may be the only one who didn't like this tzeentch sculpt but he still turned out ok.  I don't like when they sculpt on tatoos which seems to be the sigmar way.

For slaanesh I got this awesome STL of a murder unicorn from a fellow questor!

Another free 3d model gives me a khrone-a-taur with bloody hands to boot.

The Tzaangors are awesome sculpts but assembly is a major pain, do not buy those boxes!

For the Khorne-gors I went with the old and much maligned furry bloodletters.  They honestly fit better than the real khorne gors in my oppions.

Combining some slaanesh parts with the mantic succubus models gets me the slaangors!

And one big happy family!  Last year I begun the insane project of basing all the WHQ minis and it has finally come to its conclusion.  I'll be posting more pics of the finished hoard of minis over time its a ton of bases and they really make things look better even on those old paint jobs!

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