Completed Projects

Abyssal Dwarves

So yeah a little over 2 years off and on and I finally feel like I can call this a finished army!  I really wanted to take my time on these guys and went with a fairly classic black and red theme with a bit of gold for flair.  Though it was nice to finish off the army this is not a project I ever want to do again as the lava bases alone started to feel intensely repetitive!

When I started these guys in 8th edition fantasy they were being used as Chaos Dwarves and there are a few relics that pertained to the legions that no longer work in Kings of War.  These days the have been my mainstay army in KoW now at 5000 points!

Starting off with some good old fashioned Black Souls!  These guys have a prisoner of some import with them as a unit filler though most likely they aren't dragging him towards free ice cream...

The Slave Orc Gore riders from Mantic were a wonderfully brutal looking unit.  They do look a lot tougher than they are on the battlefield but hey cheap cav isn't a bad thing either.

Somehow I ended up with more halfbreeds than I would normally use.  Still it's nice to have options.  I added some beards to them in order to keep in stride with the curly beards that the rest of the army has.

Yes I had enough to make a champion even!

The forgeworld bull centaurs make up the  bulk of my grotesques.  I did have to add in some unit fillers though since they are only 50x75mm bases.

Until infernok came along in Edge of the Abyss I never really liked the greater obsidian golems.  Even so when they came out with this model I just had to have it!

The grotesque champion was a lucky find on ebay and a real joy to paint up.  It really is one heck of a sweet model.

My first horde of obsidian golems was originally going to be Kadai fireborne but they were horrible in fantasy and just ended up burning themselves out every time.  Thankfuly lesser obsidian golems in KoW are amazing and make up a great center line!

I really do wish  I could use this big boy in KoW but there isn't anything that really fits a Kadai Destroyer in that game.  Possibly because he was borderline broken in fantasy...

The slave orcs from mantic come with this little guy that I just had to use as a mutated throwing mastif.

The mantic goblins are a pain in the butt to assemble and paint but they were super cheap hobgoblins back in the day.  Now I suppose if I wanted I could ally in some goblins this way...

So far the great abyssal halfbreed is my favorite model from mantic.  It's giant, it's whimsicly evil and it has a dwarf so it wins.

The forgeworld chaos dwarves make up my immortal guards.  These were by far my least favorite chaos dwarf models but I got em cheap and they do represent immortal guard really well as they are clad in full on plate and scale mail.

One thing you just can't leave the ziggurat without are gargoyles and mantic makes some rather evil looking ones too!

Chapstic lids make up the tanks of my grog mortars (formerly magma cannons) with the base model itself being a reaper dwarf cannon.  The crew are all regular dwarves given slight 'upgrades' to be more evil-ish.

And the heavy ankhor mortar (formerly dread quake cannon) is a GW paint pot on top of a goblin chariot chassis!

And we have to have some decimators since they really aren't bad at all IMHO.  With the slight buff from Edge of the Abyss there are plenty of ways to have fun with these guys.

Katsuchan rocket launchers have usually been my go to for long range firepower.  They are cheap in points and only cost me two of the empire organ guns to make (the rockets are the long forgotten option that you could build them as).  Add a few spikes and some much more worthy crewmen (er dwarves) and you have a sweet set of boomers.

This guy rarely sees the table since he has been replaced by grander models.  He is finished up though and a classic to boot.

Back in the chaos dwarf era of 8th Ed the Iron Daemon was a nearly must have as it pretty much just ran into something nasty and kept it on ice (er fire) all game long neither losing or killing much.  It's been long enough now that I don't honestly remember where this mini came from but it has only a few modification (namely the dwarves on top of it).  Sadly I have no real use for it in KoW...

Ever since I say Dwarf Slayers I always wanted Chaos Dwarves to have their own berserker unit.  On one hand Mantic was awesome and gave me just that.  Sadly on the other I really think the army has better choices so these guys just get to sit on the shelf as a unique and fun little unit for now.

And since I wanted to go full crazy they have magma tatoos, dead Rhordians beneath them and one is even drinking straight up lava while standing on the head of a griffon.  Yeah these were my treat as the final unit to be painted alongside....

Yet another unit of Immortal Guard.  Not a super fun unit to finish out the army with but I've been wanting to experiment with running two regiments as they seem fairly solid even without artifacts.

So as not to end on a really boring note I've saved my first big scratch build for last.  It's a little rough around the edges but I wanted to have a Drazoth the Ashen (though I ended up giving up on using him as he was too expensive) but I didn't want to pay the ridiculous forge world price for him.  After a friend offered me some free bloodthirster wings I grabbed a bull off of ebay and got to work!  This was a fun build for sure and now he is my Overmaster on Great Abyssal Dragon!

Well thats a wrap for the Abyssal dwarves.  They were a massive undertaking and it's nice to be able to field just about anything I could ever want now!


  1. I just found these but they are so nice! I hope they've continued to serve well.

  2. Thank you all for the kind words! They are my favorite army by far long live the demon stunties!
