Completed Projects

Forces of Nature

Like many Kings of War players I was a Warhammer Refuge during the great purging.  I had played a little bit of KoW 1st edition however I couldn't convince most of the fantasy players at the time that a game that only takes an hour as opposed to 3 hours minimum was a good thing!  Thankfully GW blew up the whole old world and our area switched to KoW which quickly prompted me to build a nature list because heck it had lots of toys to play with!

The total of this army ended up being my second KoW army to break the 5,000 point barrier (first were the abyssal dwarves) and I still want to add a few more things to it in the future.  This army was definitely a speed painting project and not a showcase of more time consuming techniques but it was a very fun one to do as nature lets you go wild with model choices!

The best part about nature is the variety of builds you can do within the army.  For the annoying as can be 'we heal all the damage done in a round' build here are my unicorns on parade!

Due to multi-basing in KoW you always end up with a few extra things so I use two of the centaurs as chiefs or flaxhoof if the mood strikes me.

Orginally I had a more standard druid I used as my druid but then I found leprechauns and never looked back.

I do so love the mantic Salamanders and hope they expand the line soon to cover the rest of the unit entries.

The green lady was an early purchase and adds an over the top amount of healing and annoyance to the enemy alongside unicorns.

I was overjoyed to see the addition of Woodland Critters in the Clash of Kings 2018 book.  Reaper Mouselings did the trick for me and I've been waiting for an excuse to use these cute things!

I also did up a horde of critters with ensnare using a bag of toy spiders and painting them up in disgustingly neutral colors...

If you're like me you buy into every bones kickstarter in hopes of finding a use for them in the future.  Well a whole bunch of them ended up as Hunters of the Wild so why not make two regiments.

I'll be using Mantics Naiads in my Trident Realms army so I used a few of the GW Dryads to make up a horde of Naiads.

The Mantic Earth elementals are gorgeous models and since they are all metal they fully justify their Defense 6+ in weight too.

My air elementals are made up of Reaper ghoul bodies with twisted lengths of green stuff to form the cyclones.  Pretty easy to make and super cheap.

More Reaper Bones form the Water Elementals.

Yet more bones for Fire Elementals!

If I remember right I painted up this bones model during a class and decided to use it in the army as well.  Makes a great greater earth elemental though I may someday replace it with the Mantic model.

One of the few non Bones models for the elementals.  This one was a phoenix from the Heroclix range.

My sylph talon riders are mostly the GW hawk riders for wood elves and the Owl was just a toy owl I found in a store.

I do want to add more forest shamblers eventually and try out a vanguard heavy army.  The big ones are bones models and the smaller ones are the Mantic models.

Since they have a wyrm riding on top of them these are my Naiad Wyrm Riders.  I was able to get a horde and a regiment out of two boxes of GW sylvaneth though at their prices I wouldn't call that a steal at all!

My tree herder on the left and Forest Warden on the Right.  Height wise it's weird but the bases are correct.  Now that we have critters I don't really see a use for the warden but who knows.

Mantic's centaur models really do look the part but they NEED to take them out of metal production.  They are the hardest damn models to assemble in their range and they fall apart so easily as the legs and arms are just too thing.  Still they work fine after repairs.

My first beast of nature which was originally painted up during the Warhammer Quest Days.  Now it's re based and ready to rock.

Second beast of nature though I may end up replacing it with a less unwieldy model eventually.

Finally the Hydra.  I haven't found a lot of uses for this guy as he just doesn't seem to work well on the field for me.  Still Reaper did a great job on the model!


  1. Awesome army. Very well done. My favorite interpretation of a Nature army to date. I love the warm glow effect you have going. Looks fantastic

  2. I'm just starting out in KoW and picked Nature - got a bunch of figures on Ebay and some more at a convention that all need rehab - your army has inspired me to get painting.

  3. I posted your work on Mantic facebook group :) it's superb and all loved it!

    1. Thanks They were a nce relaxing zen project for sure!
