Completed Projects

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Forgot Something!

Two things actually!  First up the beastman lord which I had to paint up in a hurry:

 And an older pic of the giant scorpions

And hey while I'm at it why not post up the rest of the older pics of all the stuff that isn't in the old world?  

This bad boy of metal (literally all metal) is the dragon turtle and is certainly a deadly weapon if hurled. 

Gian snake looks like something out of some kind of disney movie....

Jungle cats are no fun at low levels.

Kairos because you know he'll be making an appearance at some point later in our games...

This monkey is an all metal p65 miniature.  After priming him he fell on concrete and the concrete lost sporting a nice chip after the monkey touched down.  That is a 60mm base on him to give you an idea of scale.


A few seekers, one of the last things painted for my daemon army.

And what lustrian jungle would be complete without snakes?

Also I managed to take a few action shots of the cuddle daemons at the last tournament so here they are battling it out:

They did enjoy dancing around the warhound it seems.

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