Completed Projects

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Spoils of War

Since I have a decent amount of projects on the table right now that are half finished I thought I might as well show off a few older projects.  Since these are older pics please excuse the even worse camera work than normal.

For a while I was providing prize support for local tournaments in the form of free painting services.  These random assortment of models are a result of just such a crazy idea.

First off the always fun looking mangler squig with a few mushrooms to top him off!

This was oddly enough my first tyranid model ever which was a fun new experience.

A few of the skaven from the fantasy starter set.

Yes the same player got another model as a prize but I just knew it needed some glowing pink lights!

speaking of pink here's a guardsman named bob, no relation.

And finally a night lord chaos marine.

It was certainly fun each month to have some kind of random model to paint out of the blue.  Never hurts to keep things random and interesting that's for sure.

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