Completed Projects

Monday, February 27, 2017

Big Bad Dwarf Things

Alright two new units for the Abyssal Dwarves are finished off and ready to enter the fray.

Up first a horde of Grotesques.  The bull centaurs have been done since the dark times before Kings of War but the unit fillers needed to be added to make the minimum unit size and fill out that last 25mm on the base.

The hapless peasents running from the horde are painted up in my rival's Rhordian color schemes.

The next model was one that has been taunting me since I bought it on release.  I love this giant thing and it was a fun painting project as well.  On top of that there was no need to modify it so that's a bonus!

I really think Mantic hit it out of the park on this one.  Even though its hard to fit such a points heavy model in it shall be squeezed in one way or another...

Saturday, February 25, 2017

The True Sith Lord

So this happened:

Yep we have an X-Wing event this month and I wanted to make a special prize for whoever gets the most wins during the campaign.  Thus Sith Lord Binks was born or Darth Yusa

Also finished up a horde of Lesser Abyssaals:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Abyssal Dwarf Photo Shoot!

I realized there is a large gap from my finished chaos dwarf army pics and now.  In between those posts there were actually quite a few things painted for the army because my first list was torn apart in practice games.  So I thought that giving all the models some updated photos was the only decent thing to do...

I did experiment with using a lammassu but things never worked out with it though perhaps KoW will see it hit the table in something other than Warhammer Quest.

Various characters now slave drivers (who I think are VASTLY under rated in the game) and iron casters.

The Bull Centaur Tau'Ruk from forge world now being used as a Grotesque Champion.

So like most chaos dwarf players in 8th edition I had more of a desire to play the army than I had a wallet to afford it.  So I had to improvise a little with parts I had lying around.  This heavy Grog Mortar is made of  a GW paint pot, Goblin wolf chariot and a few 40k parts.  The crew of course are regular dwarves that have had their beard upgraded to the slightly superior evil dwarf variety.

And for the magma cannons (now regular grog mortars) I used a reaper cannon with some parts made from 40k imperial guard bits, dwarf bits and chapstic caps.

Mantic's goblins are not excatly my favorite models to work with as they have many issues.  However with a lot of time and care they come out looking fairly good.  Plus now I can use them for some interesting ally hijinks.

Part of those hijinks are converting my Daemon engine (which was a huge help in the tournament) into a goblin mincer.

The old infernal guard from forge world are now my Immortals.  The little guy in the middle as a unit filler is a reaper dwarf that begged me to paint him.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Here there be Dragons

  Not trying to power game or something silly like that.  No I just took a look at the KoW armies and said 'Oh sweet I can build an army of dragons!'.  So of course I just had to.  All Drakon Riders and Dragon Lords from the Elf army.

First Horde is done now with another dragon in front to fill it in.

And a regiment because hordes are expensive!

Finally the first of three dragon lords.

This army may be technically banned at tournaments but I just wanted to see it become a reality.  That and the KoW campaign we have coming up calls for a possibility of awakening an angry dragon army.  The miniatures are either Bones or D&D attack wing. The bases are done by piling up a glue or green stuff to form mounts and putting gems and a mixture of round gold glitter and tiny colored glitter.  Overal the effect looks very convincing (more so than in the pictures) as the light bounces off the glitter bombed bases.

On the even more whimsical side we are doing an Infinity Leprechaun hunt so I painted up a few of the wee little lads which will now double as the druids of my nature army!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Chaos er.... Abyssal Dwarves Revisited

The old Chaos Dwarf army has long since been re purposed into Kings of War (which I might add makes them much more playable and interesting).  I have an inkling to travel for a tournament again and will be attempting to paint up all the necessary evil stunties in order to facilitate the beating of face (hopefully not mine!).

KoW does not price their evil dwarves way into the stratosphere for no reason and as such requires far more units and larger sized units at that in order to make the same points.  So meet the finished decimator HORDE:

This army is not meant a quick speed painting army so I'm taking a lot more time on this.  However I don't want to paint up hundreds of dwarves thus the unit fillers within the block of troops.  It also helps break up the monotony of the unit quite well.

And since showing off just a single unit would be lame I finally finished my Kadai Fireborn Obsidian Golems  which use a combination of reaper and actually mantic golems.  As with everything in life even models are better when they are on fire!

Can't wait to have this army finished as I think it will stand out well on the table top.  Heck at the last tourney it even won best painted but that was in the by gone era of some other game by some other company that didn't love it or its fan base so whatever.  Now my little guys are twice as maniacal in Mantica

And for good fun here's a WIP of the Slave Orcs

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Very Random Progress

Managed to get a few things finished up lately.  First up a random abyssal dwarf on evil ram!

Needed to do a quick paint up of an infinity ariadna model for a friend as well:

Thanks to the sacrifice of  two cardboard card storage boxes and a boat load of Popsicle sticks I now have two giant siege towers for the upcoming campaign!

And finally started the dragon army.  Glitter bombing the bases was a blast but I feel like I may need some extras on the base for variety...