Friday, March 14, 2025


 This game is stupidly fun and everyone should play it!  It's Madmax/Deathrace/Fallout crossovers galore and the best part is the miniatures are Hot Wheels Scale!

Needless to say I dived in head first and I now have my first team converted and painted up:

Since Scarlet is the pirate sponsor it was an obvious first choice.

Lots of parts are just simple 3D prints and the base cars are so cheap especially if you have a thrift store selling them by the bag.

The buggy took the most work, the only thing left of the original model is the body itself even the tires were replaced.

This one was a combo of two separate vehicles that really came together in a fun way.

I had to do a straight up land ship for this faction so a big old garbage truck fits in well.

The shift dice are just about a must have for this game and its easy to find sources to print online.

But why stop at that when you can print combat dice and gear shifters for each car!

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