Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Big Pointy Eared Update

There are enough elves now to constitute an actual army!  Some of these are painting edits from the old Elf fantasy demo army but they look much more interesting now that they are pink!

Since it didn't take too long to repaint I could use this guy as a drakon rider lord though I haven't really had a desire to try that unit out yet.

 So far this has been my favorite model for GWs high elf line.  Its overstated just enough to avoid being bloated with useless details like I feel the new models are.  And the pose is suitably haughty for an elf as well.

The mage is of course a repaint of the demo set but the prince/king on foot finally has a base to go with his expensive armor.

The silverbreeze are again a re paint of the demo set so they came together quickly.

I tried a little different recipe for the white on the master hunter and rather like the result.  I wasn't going to bother trying this hero out until someone used one against me and it single handedly took out a troop and a regiment over the coarse of a game while hiding a forest...

The palace guard are waving a punch of pointy big knives around so hopefully they don't hurt themselves too much...

To distinguish the seaguard from what the regular tallspears will be I let them keep their sea motif while adding in some more glorious pink as well.

The archers are now a more filled out unit so the base is no longer sparse!  I really do like the slightly older GW models more than the current one.  If they remade these they would all have at least 15 extra random things strapped to them and another 10 gemstones per model.  So instead of looking like rank and file troops they would all look like some high ranking general.  I like my troops to look like troops thank you very much!

So that's one big project well on its way to being done.  Now what's next?

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