Friday, December 25, 2020

Fun Pics

 Anyone who takes a look at this blog may quickly realize I have a stupid number of painted minis and props.  More than could be considered healthy.  Instead of seeking help I'm making fun dioramas with it and snapping pics!  These are going into the Warhammer Quest Rules we use as 'art':

I got my Real FX steam pod/portal in lately from their kickstarter.  The portal looks amazing.  I've added a 'filter' with hot glue to make it look less artificial.  I highly recommend getting one of these ASAP

This elephant was the result of a paint job I did for a gift.  Thought I should have a little fun with it before it goes out though.

These first ones I'm going a little crazy with light pods (also from Real FX kickstarter) They make fun shadows and earie glows.  So sue me I'm having fun!

I really like how this one turned out the OSL on the Hell Pit looks stunning in this light.

For my ghetto photo shoots I have two smart lights on tripods and one in the ceiling above the table.  This lets me experiment a lot more now with lights to make fun scenes.  The various props are all sorts of things I have gathered for terrain over the years.

I really wanted to get some use out of that tower/wall configuration as you can see...

This may be my favorite it has so much character and story to it with the knight and his entourage facing down the black dragon. 

I'm really trying to not overuse the portal but its so hard!  This time I put in a different filter made of super glue and given a wash for color.  You can build up the glue on parchment paper to just put in place on the portal and switch out with whatever you want.

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