Saturday, February 22, 2025

KoW Expansions

 Yes further expansion of random armies is in order.

After years of hibernation I managed to get some desire to add to the Brotherhood army.  These guys are a massive pain to paint and take forever.  These are the simplest heraldry for the initiates

the dwarves gained a regiment of rangers and a steel juggernaut.

The undead gained a few Goreblights as I shuffled through the various bones boxes.

The brotherhood even gained a spellcaster damsel!

And for Rhordia I've got a mounted heroes as well.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 Just got into Armada and it is a ton of fun!  Only takes a handful of models really to make a playable fleet and its a nice change of pace for painting too.

The ghost fleet was an automatic must have for me painted up in fluorescents too.  

The first of my Kingdoms of Men fleets was created for a Kings of War campaign that sadly never finished due to life complications.  I made my own naval rules years ago but they pale in comparison to Armada for sure.  these were meant to match a friends Rhordia army at the time.

And these were meant to match my own and act as a neutral fleet at the time.

Obviously I couldn't enjoy the game fully without my own board (plus its really better for pics too).  We might be reviving the KoW campaign sometime soon so adding armada and ambush rules to it are an obvious choice.