Thursday, March 20, 2025

Neon Gaslands

 Finished my second team Miyazaki!  I even managed to source most of the cars second hand from a thrift store doesn't get much cheaper than that.

Bringing back the Tron Tau color scheme again for these high performance nut jobs!

I wasn't planning on adding a buggy but I found this little EV in the store and fell in love!

The only fully 3D printed model in the whole team is the biker (can't find any toys for the right scale locally).  Still loving this game just for modeling fun!

Friday, March 14, 2025


 This game is stupidly fun and everyone should play it!  It's Madmax/Deathrace/Fallout crossovers galore and the best part is the miniatures are Hot Wheels Scale!

Needless to say I dived in head first and I now have my first team converted and painted up:

Since Scarlet is the pirate sponsor it was an obvious first choice.

Lots of parts are just simple 3D prints and the base cars are so cheap especially if you have a thrift store selling them by the bag.

The buggy took the most work, the only thing left of the original model is the body itself even the tires were replaced.

This one was a combo of two separate vehicles that really came together in a fun way.

I had to do a straight up land ship for this faction so a big old garbage truck fits in well.

The shift dice are just about a must have for this game and its easy to find sources to print online.

But why stop at that when you can print combat dice and gear shifters for each car!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

KoW Expansions

 Yes further expansion of random armies is in order.

After years of hibernation I managed to get some desire to add to the Brotherhood army.  These guys are a massive pain to paint and take forever.  These are the simplest heraldry for the initiates

the dwarves gained a regiment of rangers and a steel juggernaut.

The undead gained a few Goreblights as I shuffled through the various bones boxes.

The brotherhood even gained a spellcaster damsel!

And for Rhordia I've got a mounted heroes as well.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 Just got into Armada and it is a ton of fun!  Only takes a handful of models really to make a playable fleet and its a nice change of pace for painting too.

The ghost fleet was an automatic must have for me painted up in fluorescents too.  

The first of my Kingdoms of Men fleets was created for a Kings of War campaign that sadly never finished due to life complications.  I made my own naval rules years ago but they pale in comparison to Armada for sure.  these were meant to match a friends Rhordia army at the time.

And these were meant to match my own and act as a neutral fleet at the time.

Obviously I couldn't enjoy the game fully without my own board (plus its really better for pics too).  We might be reviving the KoW campaign sometime soon so adding armada and ambush rules to it are an obvious choice.

Monday, January 6, 2025

All Natural Pics!

 It dawned on me I have a rather large nature army that never got a big group photo!  This army began life during Kings of War 2nd edition and was the first army I made specifically for KoW.  It's gotten rather large but even so some previous entries on the blog have been rebased and moved to other games (mostly Warhammer Quest).  In its current form its pretty complete though I may have to revisit it and fill out a few entries...

Here's the big picture, over 4000 points of nature.  The rules have changed a ton since I first started this army but no unit has been invalidated or shelved because of it.

at one point I did field all three unicorns as well as tons of regenerating units.  It was hilarious but kinda mean...

Lots of reaper bones were used though a few mantic models also made it in.  Mostly only a few due to the options not being made until well after I already had a unit.

Currently I only have one beast of nature for the army.  I do want to eventually swap it out for a more table friendly model and add another 2 in for fun.

Yep that's a toy for my hydra repainted in the brightest colors I could think of!

The druids are some of my favorites, lots of fun to paint.

These are my worm riders, as you can see there is indeed a worm riding every one of them.

Somewhere in storage I have another scorchwing regiment that I need to find.

Woodland critters were a lot of fun.  I do miss when they had multiple variants of ensaring, basic and flying though.

The absolutely random assortment of minis represent my hunters of the wild.

And the Dryads finish off my Naiads 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Rhordia Returns

Back to KoW again and it feels great!  I wanted to get some units made up for Battle masters but I somehow lost my halberd and crossbowmen.

The logical thing was to 3D print an absurd amount of battle masters halberds and crossbows :)  Old minis are just fun to paint!

And a big ol batch of crossbows too!  I honestly forgot how fun this paint scheme is might have to expand the army more.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Questing, But in Power Armor

 I finished up the bulk of the painting for Space Crusade a month or so ago but couldn't get enough of a break from printing for the Etsy store to get the bases printed out until now.  I've got the base game and retail expansions all done.  Next up are the White Dwarf expansions!

Speaking of I did get the terminators done using the old school patterned terminator armor.

The Imperial Fists were the last were the last marine squad to get the paint up.  Always enjoyed their color scheme more than most marines.

Had to go with black for the Chaos Marines so you know they're evil!

I tried my best to make retro armor art for the dreadnaughts.  

The ork models turned out to be one of my favorites from this set, they have a lot of personality and are fun easy paint ups!

Can't go through a space hulk without someone stealing your genes of course.

The Necro.... er Chaos Androids!

Yes I did secure even the eldar expansion!  Yeah not really sure how that happened...

And finally the Gretchin!  Always fun to paint the old models.  They are simple and to the point but have a lot of character and heart!