Thursday, October 10, 2024

My Favorite Lovecraft Story!

 I absolutely love the Colour out of Space so when someone made rules for the faction in Cthulhu Wars I had to get to work on some minis!  

All the miniatures were designed by myself in blender (I'll have STLs up soonish).

The coloured parts are painted with color changing paints so depending on the lighting angles it can shift from green, to blue or even purple!

I started out modifying the standard cultist replacement on thingiverse however after realizing I won't be able to sell those I went back and sculpted a new husk from scratch.  I'll still put up the STL of these little guys though.

The meteors are so small and cute and I love making falling sounds while placing them on the board.

I'm still finalizing everything for the sets that will be for salebut I have one printed so far, need to stock up.  Stay tuned at my Etsy Store for more fun!

And since I was missing the official colour out of space expansion I had to paint up some more gates for that as well!

The Fungi!

Still playing League of dungeoneers via camera and discord with a friend.  Really enjoying the game and with the new expansion I need to paint up some new monsters that Warhammer Quest isn't already providing!

You know you have a problem when one of your favorite games adds a selection of Shroom Fold and you just open up a few boxes and find out you already have everything you need...

 Space Crusade is still moving along as well  The Blood Angels are ready to board the hulk!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Infernal Finish!

 And here we are at the end of the Heroes III road! 

The infernal faction was a bit intimidating knowing just how much flame effect I would be doing going into it.

The heroes really stand out with the fiery manes!

And a big old final picture (at least until more expansions come out!)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Night Cage

 I've been really looking forward to this game its a co-op claustrophobic maze survival game with plenty of nasty monsters chasing you around with nothing but a candle to cling to.  Of course I had to paint it up after the first game with the wooden meeples!

My first game (outside of Table Top Sim) ended in a win but just barely!  Played on the base game advanced mode which really spices it up.

No the tea lights are not mandatory but they are fun!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Beginning a Quest in Space

Really going back in the catalogue to combat the unpainted masses.  This time back to 1990 with Space Crusade.  Finished up the first squad of Ultramarines and printed out some fancy bases for them as well:

Taking some extra time on this project, its honestly an amazingly well done game and fun to play.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jungle Delvers!

 Heroquest has moved to the jungles and I had to get the latest expansion painted up!  Nice to paint some less generic dungeon denizens for sure!

Lots of fun bright colors to paint this time which always makes me happy.

The new heroes seem like they will be very fun to play as.

The new furniture is really fun and a departure from some of the normal furniture.  I do wish the water basins and the fire would be separate.  I can't do the OSL on the flames without the water looking weird.

I will say the dupe sculpts on the cultists from the previous expansions was kind of a let down.  Just having a new paint scheme seems a little meh.

And that's made up for with raptors having feathers!  Love it!

The goblin warlock is kind of fun, didn't really want to paint more skeletons and goblins but they wil lbe nice to have gameplay wise.

Really liked the new undead models in this.  A nice departure from the usual zombies and skeletons.

The new large monsters are the real stars of the expansion and fun but easy paint jobs.  Really liked painting these and saved them for the end.

Friday, July 19, 2024

More Homebrew, More Madness!

 Finished up the more Cthulhu War's homebrew factions!  

The Defiler's Court gets the honor of being the faction that starts with nothing and summons their great old one right off the bad step 1!

And to top it off we have the last of the Table Top Sim Discord factions the First born!