Thursday, March 29, 2018

An Army of Bros

Finally finished up 1000 points of brotherhood a few months ago but never bothered to take pictures for some reason!  Well better late than never.  Also get to preview a new city board that I'm working on and will have a full tutorial eventually as well!

I've had the minis for this army since 7th edition Warhammer Fantasy but kept putting off painting them for one reason or another.  Thankfully KoW has multibasing so the chore of painting up peasants is lessened slightly!  On top of that the army is playable unlike the poor Bretonnians..

I painted up the Green Knight a long long time ago but a new base is always welcome.  Now he's conscripted as a redeemer exemplar.

I wanted all the infantry to look like it belonged to the knights via colors.  I can imagine that the nobility would bring along a contingent of lower troops or militia to a gathering of forces.

For the peasants I went for an easy trick of priming white, running a sepia wash over all the minis and then filling in the rest of the colors with washes.  The sepia wash gives the other colors a bit of shading to work with and creates a more faded colors look keeping them suitably dirty.

Ah the knights.  Each one with individual heraldry and for the most part painted up separate.  There really isn't a nice easy way to batch paint these at all and it was super slow going.  It took more time to do one regiment of these than it took to paint my first 1k of Empire of Dust!

And there's the whole 1k points along with a bit of the new city board.  I love how this army looks on the table but fear how long it will take to paint the rest...

And as a final aside I painted up this little chap for our recent 40K Tournament.  We have been running short on terrain and did a fundraiser tournament to fund two new boards and terrain for them. Some of our community including me volunteered to paint up peoples minis for a prize as well as others getting to choose the theme and colors to be used on the boards.

I'll be doing a full tutorial on the boards and terrain eventually but have some other sci fi projects to finish first.  Here's a preview of just what insanity I'm working on for 40k though...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Back to Nature and Stunties

Been a while since the last update but it doesn't mean I haven't made progress on the hobby front.

The dwarves got some much needed love in the form of a regiment of Ironclad.  These of coarse are the GW Ironbreakers and they are beautiful models and some of the last models they've made that still have that 'dwarfy' look that I love so much from them.

To accompany my tree herder for Forces of Nature I added a forest warden (smaller base so it works!).

Been meaning to add another Beast of Nature so I stole this one and rebased it from Warhammer quest.

Finally got my hands on some of the Mantic Earth elementals and wow was I impressed.  Great sculpt and lots of fun to be had with these models.

Added another Unicorn to complete the trio of massive healing.  These guys combined to keep a unit of Naiads alive for nearly an entire game.  Thanks to healing and regen that unit probably took around 60 damage over the coarse of a game.

I'm am super stoked about the Woodland Critters added in for CoK 18.  This really is the type of unit I wanted and more for Nature.  They tank decently well despite the 2+ nerve, move reasonably fast and are super cheap!

The last woodland Critters horde is made up of toy spiders painted up to look as neutral as I could make spiders look!

And finally the forces of nature are at a good stoping spot for now and I consider them 'done'.  As such they have moved on up to the Finished Projects pages at 5000+ points!