Dragon Army

For our Kings of War Campaign we had a chance that a dragon army would pop up around the map and start rampaging around unfortunate kingdoms.  These armies consisted of only Drakon Riders, Drakon Rider lords, and Dragon Kindred Lords in order to 'simulate' a dragon army.  Surprisingly this army can make it to 2k points with only seven units!

For variety I wanted some regiments plus it allows the army to have a few more drops since everything is so expensive.

Still love these mantic dragons they are just so beefy.

Most of the army is made of Reaper bones and a mix of glitter for the coins on the bases.  Really not an expensive army to build.

This one kept falling forward under it's own weight so I had to add a gold column to his horde.

Fun plastic jewelry can be found cheaply at the craft store.

For the last horde I wanted to differentiate the styles a bit so I went with metallic dragons.  This helps for picking out which unit has which artifacts.

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