Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Spooky Dessert Stuff

The Empire of Dust has quite a few new reinforcements now and its high time I get the pictures up!

The behemoth was an easy model to finish with this paint scheme but it has become a very striking centerpiece for sure.

No undead army is complete without some spooky skeletons!

The enslaved guardians have recently been given an upgrade so I made it a priority to finish these.

Even the ones with melee weapons got better!

There's even a new mummy formation and since it calls for two regiments I just had to add a second!

The soul snare has become an amazing mid range harassment unit with a longer ranged life drain.  great way to mitigate more damage in the army.

Finally I've added two cursed high priests on foot to round out the character selection.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Yeah I know its been a while...

But whatever! I've got new dwarves!

No dwarf army would be caught out in a mine without big boomy guns!

One of the gunners even has a nice instruction manual telling him what to roll to hit the target...

 Somehow I did fit the flame belcher on a 50mm base.  Really like the pointing dwarf on this one he's just got a lot of character to him.

I REALLY like painting dwarves and I don't know why.  I didn't even need all these characters but they were just so much fun to paint!  Must be the beards...

For my berserker lord on Brock I went for this gorgeous reaper miniature.  

And Mantic's models worked great for exactly the purpose they were cast for!  These guys were a lot more fun to paint than I thought they'd be.

 These guys have finally been upgraded to a full on regiment!

And last but not least I've got my throwing pugs of war!