Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Back to Nature and Stunties

Been a while since the last update but it doesn't mean I haven't made progress on the hobby front.

The dwarves got some much needed love in the form of a regiment of Ironclad.  These of coarse are the GW Ironbreakers and they are beautiful models and some of the last models they've made that still have that 'dwarfy' look that I love so much from them.

To accompany my tree herder for Forces of Nature I added a forest warden (smaller base so it works!).

Been meaning to add another Beast of Nature so I stole this one and rebased it from Warhammer quest.

Finally got my hands on some of the Mantic Earth elementals and wow was I impressed.  Great sculpt and lots of fun to be had with these models.

Added another Unicorn to complete the trio of massive healing.  These guys combined to keep a unit of Naiads alive for nearly an entire game.  Thanks to healing and regen that unit probably took around 60 damage over the coarse of a game.

I'm am super stoked about the Woodland Critters added in for CoK 18.  This really is the type of unit I wanted and more for Nature.  They tank decently well despite the 2+ nerve, move reasonably fast and are super cheap!

The last woodland Critters horde is made up of toy spiders painted up to look as neutral as I could make spiders look!

And finally the forces of nature are at a good stoping spot for now and I consider them 'done'.  As such they have moved on up to the Finished Projects pages at 5000+ points!

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